Welcome to Our School
We want to offer you the chance to greatly enhance your knowledge and understanding of God’s Word through our online Bible courses. Do you want to learn more? Start with our welcome video by clicking the play (▶) button on the right. Then follow one of the links below for the style of study that suits you best.
- Personal Choice
- Choose any book, any time! Our individual courses are the perfect opportunity to dive deeper into a particular book of the Bible that has sparked your interest.
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- Semester Studies
- Study through the entire Scriptures, from beginning to end. Our school gives students an ideal learning platform, with ordered courses that provide a thorough analysis of each book of the Bible.
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- How to Start a School
- Want to study the Bible with others? Get a group together and learn from our tips and best practices on creating a study group to enhance your biblical understanding together.
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Studying Carefully Through the Scriptures
The purpose of Through the Scriptures is to make Bible teaching available to everyone around the world. Anyone who wants to know what the Bible says deserves the opportunity to learn. Our goal is to provide this opportunity to as many people as possible, making our courses available in 23 languages reaching around the globe.

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Individual Study or Biblical Learning Center
Outside the USA, ONLY

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